Why God did not create the Earth in 6 ‘days’.

If we read Genesis carefully, we see that the earth already existed before the first ‘day’ of creation. The earth existed in a state that was void and without form (Genesis 1:2). The word ‘day’ is not mentioned until God said, ‘let there be light’. [The bible tells us that the light is what God called ‘Day’].

So, what is light? Light in the Hebrew simply means knowledge or illumination. Conversely, the word for darkness, which God called ‘night’ in English means ignorance. Hence, day means knowledge and night means ignorance.

Thus, what God is trying to tell us in Genesis is that knowledge is the pre-requisite to going from chaos to order. Moreover, without the presence of knowledge, ignorance rules; and where ignorance rules, things are surely to be empty and void. [So, let’s not be ignorant…it is not bliss but blightful].

Now consider this: The sun and the moon did not make an appearance in the story of creation until the 4th day (see Genesis 1: 14-19). Hence, what we consider the 24-hour day did not even exist until the 4th ‘day’ of creation. This is clear, since the 24-hour day is ruled by the rising and going down of the sun. Furthermore, the bible itself states that the heavenly bodies were given for days and years (Gen 1:14). Since the concept of our measure of time did not show up until the 4th ‘day’, it is clear that the bible was not referring to our measure of time at least in the first 3 ‘days’ of creation.

When Moses writes about the ‘day’ in Genesis 1, he is not referring to the 24-hour day as we know it, he is taking about a period in which the knowledge of God was in operation to turn the earth from a choatic mess into an oasis fit for mankind.

Consider this as well: When God is active on the earth, it is called day. And when he is not actively working, it is considered night. Consider the words of Jesus when He said: I must work… while it is day. The night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4). Again, the bible calls the time Jesus is meant to return to be active on the earth as the Day of the Lord (anyway I digress…so let’s get back on point). [I can write more about this if enough people are interested].

With regards to creation, how long each ‘day’ or period of creation lasted in terms of our 24-hour day is up in the air. This is indeed because time can be quite relative (especially in the eyes of God and man). What we do know for sure is that it was not six 24-hour days. If we engage science, it is clear that the earth has been around for a long time (something corroborated by the bible in the book of Genesis when we realize that earth existed before the first day).

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The Secret Message of the 5th word of the Bible

The fifth word in the English version of the bible is the word “created”. If you do a deep dive into meaning of the word in the Hebrew, it gives a treasure trove about creation which I will discuss below.

The word created has many words associated with that can be joined together to form three sentences as follows: The first is to ‘signal creation‘. The second is to ‘miraculously dispatch‘. The third is a ‘token of what is to be shaped or molded

Without going into exhaustive detail (I will if enough people ask), it is God the Father that signaled for creation to begin. It is God the Son that miraculously dispatched the Holy Spirit. It is God the Holy Spirit who shaped the universe. Hence, we see that the first time the concept of the Trinity shows up is in the very first sentence of the bible.

Now, the final sentence is especially important. A token is a representation, a part, or skeleton. When we plug this third sentence into the words, In the beginning God created, we get the following: In the beginning, God (the Holy Spirit) made a token of that which is to be shaped.

This helps us to understand that when the Holy Spirit started the process of creation, neither the earth nor the heavens were made perfectly. It was simply an outline that was made. This should not be shocking to anyone as the bible itself says ‘the earth was without form and void’ (Genesis 1:2).

With this understanding, we no longer have to go with the thesis that the earth was without form and void (Genesis 1:2) only because the perfect earth God had previously made (Genesis 1:1) was destroyed (there is no evidence of this in the bible). We don’t have to believe that the earth was being re-made and that this is the 2nd iteration of the creation of man.

We can simply admit creation was a process. God speaking things into existence does not mean those things happen in a split second. Speaking things into existence simply means that the irreversible process was simply set into motion.

In reality, we know this in our hearts. If everything was instantaneous, then why did creation take 6 ‘days’?

Spoiler alert: The days here does not mean the 24-hour day. You will have to stay tuned for another blog for me to explain.

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Why United Auto Workers Union Are Pissed Off with the Rest of the U.S Middle Class

How would you feel if you did not get a real raise in 46 years? Well, this is exactly the situation the American Middle Class found themselves in between 1973 and 2019! Don’t believe me, just take a look at the chart below. Yep, it shows that real wages in 1973 and 2019 were exactly the same at $23.24.

The blue line is the actual pay that people take home once you adjust for inflation. You’d never know this by looking at your paycheck though. Most people would simply concentrate on the orange line, which is what they see on their paycheck and think they are making more money per year. Inflation takes into account that things get more expensive as time goes by (another way to think about it is that your money is worth less in the future).

Real wage is just the nominal earnings (what you see on your paycheck) adjusted for inflation. What does this mean? It means that if inflation is 3% per year, then just to earn the same amount as the previous year, you need to get at least a 3% raise. Otherwise, you are actually earning less in real terms.

What’s the first reason people are pissed? It is because they haven’t gotten a real raise in their life!

To make matters worse, productive in the same time period (1973 – 2019) has gone up by 62%. In other words, workers are getting more stuff done (either through sheer effort or by leveraging the latest technology) but they are not seeing the benefits in their pay. What do you call it if you are working harder and harder, producing more and more, but you don’t see any benefits at all. Some call it unfair…other people might call it slavery by another name!

What’s the second reason people are pissed? It is because they have actually earned a raise but not given!

Good and honest hardworking Americans have been slaving away at their work only to make the executives at their companies richer and richer. How much richer? Well in 1979, the average CEO made 35 times more money that the average worker. That has now ballooned up to more 275 times the average worker with estimates to date putting it closer to ~300 – 500 times.

What’s the third reason people are pissed? It is because all their hard work is only lining the pockets of people of a few!

While the Middle Class did not understand this, what they began to see is that they just couldn’t afford things no matter how hard they worked (this is because rising real prices were cutting into their stagnant wages). The issues facing the Middle Class has gotten so bad that even smokescreen & mirrors that usually cloud the wage issue such as: (1) blaming the poor for taking away their benefits (2) Laziness (3) Undocumented immigrants (lowering wages) (4) Politics (5) The people at the top are just too smart and deserve it (5) Fear of losing your job (6) Add you own…are no longer working.

What’s the fourth reason people are pissed? The people realize they’ve been lied to!

People in the UAW are beginning to say: Wait a minute! If these guys are able to offer a 20% raise across the board, doesn’t that mean that they have been holding back on my pay for a few years now? How did the money magically appear?

More and more people in the Middle Class are beginning to say: Wait a minute! Something is wrong here! I am making 6-figures and still need to penny pinch. I can’t afford what my parents used to comfortably afford, and I can’t seem to get out of the financial hole!

Why is this happening now? Perhaps it’s because the folks at the top got too greedy. Shafting the smaller poor population is one thing, but shafting the huge middle class is quite another (If the middle class feels shafted, then America feels shafted). Why did the people at the top get too greedy? Perhaps it’s because Wall Street continues to demand more and more of companies in this insatiable drive for increasing profits. Are profits bad! Heavens no! But profits that are not fairly distributed is bad for the society as it creates a class system that leads to social unrest and unraveling.

What can fix this? Just pay people fairly. It has taken the American Middle Class almost 50 years to see what wrong (a testament to resilience of the American people). Let’s not explain these concerns away with some political ideology. Let’s not take another 50 years to solve the problem. The society would have torn itself to shreds and the American dream would have become a nightmare!

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Wisdom for Millions | Episode 8 | Educated to Be Poor

The employment system we have today was implemented during the Industrial revolution. As the world shifted from an agro-based economy to industrial manufacturing, a lot of people migrated from the countryside to the centers of production (cities). As motorized equipment replaced people in the field, and new industries came into existence, more and more people started working in the factories.  

To make sure that factories had a stream of qualified employees, public schools were developed, and standardized tests were administered to ensure quality control. To ensure factories ran without interruption, housing complexes were built, steam powered horns (first alarm clocks) were introduced, and the modern workday was introduced out of necessity. 

In those early days, the working environment were unsafe and working conditions merciless, and something would often happen that prevented the worker from carrying on. In that scenario, the factory worker would retire to his quarters or be retired. Hence, retirement was about being used up and leaving one’s post to someone else.  

In this system, the employees worked many hours, sacrificing their health, mental wellbeing, and time with family. They did this all for a fraction of the cost of the ones who managed and owned the factory. While the entire society ultimately benefited from the work of the employees, only the business owners and those running the business became wealthy. Instead of paying the workers what they were actually worth, they would be paid what was just good enough to make the employees stay. While owners make the money, workers are there to make the owners money 

This system still exists today. We go to school and earn a degree that qualifies us to enter the workforce. Just think of the word workforce. The employees are the force that do the work. For many people, the workforce is more like the work-forced. They feel forced to work jobs and take positions that they do not like just to make ends meet or for the sake of security. Can you relate to this? 

After being forced to work for many years, they are forced to retire, whether they have saved up enough money to retire or not. If you think that is not the case, just ask a person who is over 60 years old how hard it is to find a job, though they may be mentally and physically capable. And who are the people who have built up wealth and living large? It is no other than the executives and business owners and founders. Note that executives are business owners because they run the business and own equity in the business.  

In the U.S alone, the chief executive officer earns roughly 265 times the pay the average worker earns. Is this chief executive adding 265 times as much value as the average employee? It is debatable. Is he 265 times as smart as you are? I doubt it. Is he working 265 times harder than you are? Certainly not! He has the same 24 hours as you do, and he also has to sleep. 

All the above is why it is unwise to try to build wealth following the societal norm of going to school, finding a job, and then working in a steady and secure job. It is unwise because the education system today is built to churn out employees and not employers! For too long, the education system has not focused on the critical areas necessary to be a successful business owner: Financial acumen, personal development, leadership, and relationship management.  

My aim in saying this is not to rail against the system, although I know I sounded that way. It is to jar you away from your comfort zone and clue you into what you must do to build wealth. 

The trail of wealth does not belong to the employee, it belongs to the business owner. 

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Wisdom For Millions | Episode 6 | The Power of Sacrifice

In life, it is not a question of whether you will sacrifice, you will! The question is: What are you willing to sacrifice? Will you sacrifice the chance for wealth and a rich life for security and comfort? Will you sacrifice time with family and friends for more time on a dead-end job? Will you sacrifice your energy to make progress towards the life you have designed, or will you sacrifice it for the life others have designed for you (and then being frustrated and making excuses).  

If you are going to live, why not choose to live the best life possible? If you are going to sacrifice, why not let it be on something worth your sacrifice? You know that not everything you are doing will lead to the life you have envisioned. This is the time to act with wisdom and cut out those things that are not aligned with where you want to be tomorrow. Don’t be lazy and procrastinate on what you need to do. Now is the time to cut out those activities and those relationships that are holding you back instead of moving you forward. 

Now is the time to seek out those conversations, relationships, and activities that will propel you forward. So, I ask you, who are you speaking to and what are you speaking about? Are you talking about your goals and dreams and how to get there or are you always complaining about your boss? All these things make a difference!  

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Wisdom For Millions | Episode 5 | You Have Been Lied to About What it Means To Be Lazy

Laziness is not what you think it is. You have been told that a lazy person is not willing to work hard. This is not entirely true!

King Solomon, shares a little secret concerning laziness when he said: “The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy will be put to forced labor”.  

Read this saying again and consider: A person who rules tells other people what to do. A ruler speaks, and his or her bidding is done. He or she doesn’t have to lift a singer. On the other hand, according to Solomon, the lazy person is the one whose hands is put to hard labor. In other words, it is the lazy person who ends up doing all the hard work. 

Therefore, just because someone is working hard does not mean they are not lazy. So, what does it mean to be lazy?

Definition of Laziness: A lazy person is someone who does not do what they need to do now, so that they end up doing what they do not want to do later. On the other hand, the diligent person does what they need to do now, so that they can do what they want to do later. 

My question for you is this: what do you want to do tomorrow? What do you want your life to look like? The truth is that there is a timing component to life. Farmers know that if they do not plant a particular crop in a particular time frame, they will have to forfeit the harvest of that crop in that season. Financial advisers speak of a window of opportunity for workers to start saving a certain percentage of their income if the workers are to have the type of retirement they desire.  

Why all this talk of laziness? It is because if you want to be wealthy, you cannot afford to be lazy, only working hard at a job that you know won’t take you to your vision of wealth and a rich life. I am not saying that you should quit your day job now. Heavens no! I know you have responsibilities that you cannot shirk off. What I am saying is that you must find a way to start doing something to build wealth now! You need to start doing something today that will move you away from working hard and making little progress, to a place where you can start ruling in life.  

You cannot afford to be lazy in your mind. You must start thinking of what you need to do to build wealth. If you are working a 9 am – 5 pm job, then you need to start working on your vision and wealth building machine for a couple of hours after your job. This still gives you time to rest and spend time with family. If you want to build wealth, you cannot afford to be lazy about it. You cannot afford to continue putting it off in favor of working hard at a dead-end job or a career that you know won’t lead to the life you want to lead. You have a choice – you can use every mind trick in the book to make yourself stay where you are or use every mind trick to find a way to achieve your full potential. 

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Wisdom for Millions | Episode 4 | Link Between Wisdom and Wealth

The pre-requisite to wisdom is knowledge and understanding. What is knowledge? Knowledge is information. What is understanding? It is the illumination of knowledge that has been gained (these are the moments when the lightbulb comes on in our head. It is when we get clarity and a previously hidden path becomes uncovered).  

Link Between Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom

Wisdom stands apart in that it is the application of the knowledge that has been understood.  


Today, information is everywhere. It is easily accessible on the internet and can be gained by just a few clicks of the mouse. With the onset of artificial intelligence technology, a ton of knowledge is just a few commands away! Unlike the previous generation, you and I cannot use lack of knowledge as a reason for our lack of progress in building wealth. If we are being honest, it is just an excuse for covering up our fears. If we seek knowledge, we will find it. 


While information is everywhere, there are few who understand it and can explain it to others. Those who have this ability are called wise. They are the ones that seem to see the information from an angle that can make all the difference. These are your teachers, coaches, and mentors. They are the ones that enlighten you on how to use information to get results. Still, though a wise person possesses understanding, they may not possess wisdom. 


Wisdom is even in shorter supply compared to understanding. There are many wise people who have knowledge, know how to apply it, but won’t apply it! Wisdom requires action. It demands that we do something.

No coach, teacher, or mentor can force you to do anything. I can’t force you to change your limiting beliefs or take the advice in this blog. All I can do is give you a compelling case for action. While knowledge and understanding give you a compelling case for action, only you can act on what they say. If we don’t act, then we become a “wise fool”.

Hopefully you have enjoyed blog and episode of wisdom for millions. May God bless you.

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Wisdom For Millions | Episode 3 | Belief Stories of Rich, JT, and Frank

Since you are reading this blog, I believe you have a vision of building wealth and living a rich life. For me, a rich life goes beyond wealth. It involves prospering in my relationships, impact, charity, and health. No matter how you define wealth and a rich life, if you are going to achieve it, then you must get rid of these three limiting beliefs. Limiting Belief One: I can’t achieve wealth because of where or to whom I was born. Limiting Belief Two: I am not capable of achieving wealth. Limiting Belief Three: Wealth is evil.  

While I help eliminate these limiting beliefs throughout the book: How to build wealth and live a rich life, I want to share three stories that will help debunk these limiting beliefs now. 

Chris Gardner

Ever heard of Chris Gardner? He was one of four children raised by a single mother who worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. Chris was born into a poor environment. Not only were they financially poor, but the social environment was equally broken. His biological dad was not around, and his stepdad was abusive and an alcoholic. He hardly spent time with his mom as she was working all the time. Moreover, she was twice sent to prison for different offenses. Hence, he spent a lot of his childhood bouncing between relatives and foster care. This kind of environment and upbringing took a toll on Chris. He himself went to prison and was homeless. If there is anyone that should have held onto Limiting Belief One, it was Chris Gardner. 

Yet today, Chris is a multi-millionaire who founded a brokerage firm called Gardner Rich, a firm he started as a one-man operation in his apartment and later sold for millions. He is involved in numerous philanthropic activities, including helping to fund low income housing in San Francisco, the city where he was once homeless.  

How did he turn things around? It started when he chose to speak to a man driving a red sports car, asking him how he got to own one. When he learned that the man made $80,000 a month as a stockbroker, Chris decided he was going to do the same. He saw a chance and he decided to take it and never looked back. Rich Gardner is the man portrayed by Will Smith in the movie, Pursuit of Happiness

It is not about the hand you have been dealt; it is about the chances you are willing to take. Life is filled with opportunities. Look for the windows of opportunities and take it when you find one. Wealth always leaves a trail behind. If you know what the trail looks like and follow it, wealth is certain 

JT Foxx

Ever heard of JT Foxx? As of the writing of this book, he is considered one of the best sales closer from stage. While most speakers are overjoyed to move 10% of their audience to action, it is purported that JT Foxx is able to close well over 30%. He is worth hundreds of millions and working on reaching a billion. 

What is so astonishing about JT Foxx being the best closer on stage is that he was once a stutterer into his teenage years. If anyone could have held onto Limiting Belief Two, it is JT Foxx. When he left Canada, he started off with very little money and quickly ended up in debt. But in the course of a few short years, he went from negative net worth to multi-millionaire.  

If you ask JT Foxx how he did it, I have no doubt that coaching or mentorship would come from his lips. He chose to learn from those who were where he wanted to be. He has an insatiable desire to improve himself. If you want to know more, I suggest you pick up his book, Millionaire Underdog. 

Though you may not be capable today, it does not mean you won’t be capable tomorrow 

JT started to turn things around in Chicago, the same city where Michael Jordan made his name as arguably the greatest basketball player in history. The interesting thing is that Michael was one of five children. And Michael’s dad, an avid sports fan, encouraged his children to play sports. So why did Michael become such a great basketball player? You can say that he was simply born with his capabilities, but if you say so, then you would have to explain why his other siblings did not become world beaters in sports since they came from the same gene pool. 

Here is what I have found that I want you to know and imbibe: What you develop and practice is what gets engrained in your DNA! Therefore, it is not a question of nature versus nurture. The reality is that whatever you nurture becomes your nature...what are you nurturing?

So, no! The ‘gods’ were not favorable to anyone. No one is born with an unfair advantage. If you do the work, you will get the results. If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results. And guess what, no matter who you are, it has been documented that it takes 10,000 hours of practice and development to become insanely great or become an outlier in what you choose to do. Read Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers, to find out more.   

You should not ask if you are capable. You should ask how you can become capable 

Frank McKinney

What about Frank McKinney, the multi-millionaire real estate developer? He was kicked out of many schools and graduated high school with a 1.8 GPA. After moving to Miami, he started to change his beliefs about wealth. He started by noticing that people were playing golf and tennis at all times of the day while he was stuck shoveling sand into the bunkers (sand traps) of the golf course.  

This baffled Frank. No one who frequented the club seemed to have a day job, and he wondered what they did to make money. After learning that some of the people invested in Real Estate, he decided to do the same. Though he had no experience, he took the leap and invested money in a property that turned out to be a crack house. Long story short, he turned his first $50 investment into millions as he developed his capabilities, practiced his craft, and decided not to follow the crowd. Today, Frank McKinney uses his wealth to help build self-sustained villages in Haiti – providing shelter, clean water, access, and opportunity to thousands. 

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Wisdom for Millions – To Believe or Not to Believe – Episode 2 Video

You wouldn’t believe that nothing is possible, yet you doubt it when I tell you that anything is possible! In life, it is impossible to achieve anything beyond what we believe, and it is impossible to sustain achievement beyond who we become.  

Take a moment and think about these statements for a while. As we begin this journey to wealth, the two fundamental questions you need to ask yourself are: What do I believe? Who am I becoming? After answering these two questions, you need to consider this third question: Is what I believe and the person I am becoming pushing me forward in life or holding me back? 

These questions are not mutually exclusive but are complimentary. What you believe will impact who you choose to become. And who you are becoming will impact the beliefs you choose to hold onto and the ones you choose to push to the side.  

So, what do you believe? Do you believe you have to come from the high echelons of society to be wealthy or do you believe that it does not matter? Do you think you can do anything you put your mind to do or do you think there are somethings that are just beyond you? Do you believe you can live beyond the limitations of your upbringing or are you the one that throws your hands up in the air and just gives up? Do you believe some just get lucky, others are just unlucky, and there is nothing anyone can do about it? Be honest with yourself about what you believe and then ask yourself if it is helpful or holding you back from wealth. 

To Believe or Not to Believe – The Choice is Yours

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Wisdom for Millions – The Wealthiest Place on Earth – Episode 1 Video

Imagine a world where everyone fulfills their wealth potential – a world where people’s needs are met, so that they can fully focus on meeting the needs of others. Our world would look very different. Challenges and nuisances such as malaria, smog, and extreme poverty may very well become historical textbook references. Think about how wonderful it would be to talk about the time people had malaria or had diabetes. 

But this won’t happen if people are worried about what they will eat, whether they can pay their mortgage, or concerned about affordable healthcare. 

Episode 1 of the Wisdom for Millions series focuses on the subconscious belief that holds many of us back from fulfilling our greatest wealth potential.

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